California’s homelessness crisis will absolutely get worse if Prop 1 passes!
Prop 1 raids and diverts funding from treatment programs that serve homeless people in favor of giving billions in subsidies to rich developers for expensive government-subsidized mega housing projects.
Vote NO on Prop 1!
At a time when we face a growing mental health crisis with homelessness, Prop 1 actually diverts existing tax funds from mental health treatment programs so the money can be diverted to government housing projects.
The mega government housing projects that would be subsidized under Prop 1 have been criticized by numerous independent government auditors for being wasteful – costing as much as $1 million per unit! That is hardly “affordable housing!” We need to reject Prop 1 and tell politicians to use our precious funds for more efficient options like treatment and shelter beds for the homeless!
California faces a looming fiscal crisis and Prop 1 imposes billions in new debt on state taxpayers that we simply cannot afford right now.
Measure D repeals these important voter-approved reforms and returns backroom deal making to City Hall.
Prop 1 contains language mandating that any funds spent must conform to existing flawed state policies that have caused California’s homelessness to spike. Providers receiving funds from Prop 1 would be prohibited from requiring homeless individuals getting taxpayer-funded welfare to follow rules for drug or mental health treatment to get to the root cause of homelessness.
Prop 1 eliminates your existing constitutional right to vote to reject government welfare housing projects from being placed in your neighborhood. If Prop 1 passes, bad housing projects can be forced into your neighborhood and you will be forced to live with the negative impacts from a bad development project.
“Join me in voting NO on Prop 1! The same politicians who have failed repeatedly on homelessness want Prop 1 so they can issue billions into debt in your name and raid treatment funding – so housing developers can get rich off wasteful taxpayer subsidies.
Send a message to demand better solutions for homelessness by voting NO on Prop 1!”
– Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California